I've found my daily tasks, both professional and at home, could benefit from being a bit more proficient in everyone's favourite spreadsheet software, Microsoft Excel.
Also, here's the current sitch in the workplace:

This journey started when I found myself watching several YouTube videos after searching for "how to *insert intermediate MS Excel task*"and came across this one:
But I quickly discovered I'm somewhere between a beginner and intermediate, so i need a but more of a customised training solution to get me where I want to be.
Insert: Excel Dimensions. Excel Dimensions is an onsite Microsoft Excel training provider that offers Australia wide training in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, and Hobart.
I contacted them and explained my predicament.
Thankfully (oh god I'm so grateful), they explained that they offer customised courses for beginners, intermediates users and advanced Excel gurus. So I was able to pick out the topics we needed to cover beforehand and learn exactly what I needed and nothing I didn't
Does this mean I'm now a Microsoft Excel expert?

But it does make my life a lot easier! I no longer sit at my desk Googling "how to x in Excel" because its imprinted into my brain :D