Forget New Year New You, Give Your Home Your Full Attention by EVE MORGAN

It can be so overwhelming in January. Everyone is going on about losing the holiday weight, not drinking for a month while they detox all of the lovely beverages and cheese they ate for weeks on end blaming the festivities and Christmas. But while a little self-improvement and love is not a bad thing at all, I also feel that this time of year is the perfect opportunity to get your home in order and organised.
How To Have A Harmonious Home by MAKE IT SHABBY
This article is to encourage you to use the energy of the New Year to get your home in ship shape condition… and offers a four-step process to create a harmonious home environment for you and your family:
Quick And Easy Ways To Add A Touch Of Luxury To Your Home by
Adding a splash of luxury to your home can be a quick and easy way to give yourself a little something to look forward to at home after a long day. Below are some ideas for the more regularly used rooms in your home.
Turn Your Bedroom Into A Relaxing Retreat by SARAH JAYNE POTTER

Our home should be a relaxing and refreshing place to come after a long day or week in the office. It should be a calming retreat for you and your family to enjoy each other’s company and entertain friends. Arguably, the most important room in your home is your bedroom. It is where you spend at least a third of each day, and needs to be the most relaxing place in your home.
With the likes of Pinterest and the many home magazines that we all browse through on a regular basis, it’s all there for the taking. But sometimes, it’s just too much. So much so that you find yourself overwhelmed when it comes to creating a look that you love. But when this happens, you need to forget the clutter and stick to something that counts - class. And to create an air of class in your home, you’re going to want to add the right luxury touches.
Simple Bathroom to Luxurious Spa in 4 Easy Steps by
When you get back in after a long day, the idea of visiting a spa is a dream come true for many people. Unfortunately, this isn’t a realistic option for most of us, mainly due to the practicality and expense. The ideal solution to this problem would be to transform your bathroom into a spa room. And you can do this without spending vast sums of money - you just need to think of ways to engage all five sense and get yourself feeling calm and relaxed.
5 Essentials You Need For A Luxury Bathroom by Istin
Luxury means different things to different people. For some luxury might mean opulence and extravagance. For others, luxury might refer to the feeling you get when you’re surrounded by high-end features and facilities. A bathroom that is built to a very high standard could be exactly what you’re looking for. Add some carefully selected details, some high-tech facilities, and a touch of opulence, and you might be enjoying your very own luxury bathroom.
2018 Interior Design Trends by Lauren Kinghorn

This article explores some of the most popular trends we can expect to see in 2018… but in all honesty, particular as a busy mother, it can be very time consuming and expensive to always stay on trend, and when it comes furniture fashion is always changing.
and there you have it! 8 of the best home design and styling articles from around the web in 2018. I hope you've found them as entertaining as I did.